Sonic Boom Alarm Clock
Product # SB300SS
A straight-up alarm clock with large, easy to read (1.8") display and bed vibrating unit.
The SB300ss is solid and reliable. Several convenience features make it one of our most popular clocks.
Our powerful bed shaker allows others to sleep while you wake to the quiet vibrating bed shaker.
Sleep well with the confidence of knowing you will wake up on time.
- 113 db extra-loud alarm (with adjustable tone & volume control)
- SS12VW Super Shaker bed vibrating unit
- Extra-large 1.8" display
- User selectable snooze time 1-30 minutes your choice
- User selectable alarm duration from 1-59 minutes
- Improved battery backup, will back up the time and alarm settings up to one week
- New green power technology now uses 60% less energy
- Alarm & Bed Shaker Test Mode, now test these functions at any time
- Auto dimmer, automatically dims as the light goes down in the room.
- Dual time (12 / 24 hour time formats)
- Dual power capability, this model SB300ss-v2 requires a travel adapter for 220 volt power. This adapter is the type that converts the prong configuration only like our ITP100 adapter. Simply add the ITP100 or any travel adapter to the existing 110 volt power supply that comes with the SB300ss-v2 clock.
- One-year Sonic Alert blast-proof warranty
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|  Price: $89.50 CDN
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